Friday, April 23, 2010

Council Summons - Bathurst Street

There are 3 summons by Hobart City Council against Mehrab Khani that I am aware of at the moment:

I will be concerning myself with the Bathurst Street summons, the Bay St and Brisbane St issues will be the subject of further posts. Incidentally, there was a hearing at the Magistrates Court in Feb for all 3 summons.

His solicitor Mr Gunston told the court that Mehrab-Khani wouldn't be there and that he didn't have a medical certificate. The case was put foward to a future date (stay tuned). I walked down to Hobart City Council and Lo and Behold, there was the aforementioned Mehrab-Khani, conducting business at the Council. When I asked why he wasn't in court, he pushed a bandaged thumb within inches of my face.

One of the issues regarding the Bathurst St. Summons is that he is supposed to remove 2 large shipping containers from the property. They contain his furniture.

I took a photo as he had a container loaded on a truck on April 1st.
Was he moving the containers away? No, he decided to move both containers against my fence-line. As if this wasn't enough, he has started throwing rubbish, a broken TV aerial and a ladder up onto the containers too!

Then he movde a mountain of dirt close to my fence-line.
Notice the mountain of dirt is close to the fence, directly next to our weeping birch tree.
Council Planning specifically asked that the area near the birch tree be clear up to 1 metre off the fence.

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